Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mask yourself, my Princess
And find yourself a Frog
The streets tonight, so full of fools
You mustn't stay out too long
The night of tricks the night of treats
This night of playing games
And all the lies, they glamorize this night of short, sweet fame
Enjoy it now, because it's here
wander the streets and smile
A Princess tonight, you will be
if only for a little while...

Halloween has come, but Halloween must go
as quickly as it arrived
But a lovely time of treats and laughs, have from it derived
So gather your treaures and make your way home
The time has come, tis true
So remove your mask, but still make yourself a Princess in all that you do.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where the Wild Things are...

The Wild Things are in a magical world of wonder. The Wild Things are my biggest fans. The Wild Things color my dreams with adventures and magic. The Wild Things make me smile.

The glue on my crown is still drying, so I cannot yet transform into Max. But my costume is pretty fabulous. Halloween makes me smile, and all the better when I can be the greatest person who ever lived.
The Wild Things are wild, and perfect, and loving, and special. I hope they like me ;)

Georgia National Fair

Once a year, every year, in the beautiful season of fall a magical thing comes to our state. The Georgia National Fair. Everything about the fair feels different from the rest of the world. Be it the lights, the sounds, the smells. The place where people go to free their minds.

The Georgia National Fair. Where when you walk in the north gate you can almost taste the five pounds you'll gain throughout the week. The epitome of hilarity, joy, and smiles. Flip flops thwack against the Midway and people loose their minds waiting in line for Fireball or filling out release forms for Speed.
The Georgia National Fair. The only place in the world where you can find a booth selling Fried Dough on every corner and anything you wish to buy you can buy it on a stick.

So come to the Georgia National Fair, where all your dreams can come true. I can guarantee you'll never be bored.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Do you ever wish?

In a night sky full of stars, do you ever want to wish on every single one? I wish I was happier, I wish I had more time, I wish I had a puppy, I wish my car would start, I wish I knew what to do, I wish I could make you smile...

In a night full of stars, I wish for you, on every single one...