Saturday, September 26, 2009

People Always Leave

The truth of that statement is self-evident. It is not in the nature of people to stay where they are, to not move around, chase dreams, chase life.
People always leave.
They might return. They might leave again. Then they might never come back.
People always leave.
So what seems to be the better option? Do we protect ourselves from the pain of loss, and keep people far away? Not letting anyone in to see who we are, to see our problems, and our hearts. Or do we hold them close, hoping for the best? With aching hearts, remembering the good times and the not so good, but never letting them out of our lives.
People always leave.
I think I'll choose to live with the pain and keep my memories.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Its been quite a while since my last post...Quite a while indeed.
I know you must miss my wit and charm, so I have returned.

A lot has happened. School is crazy, busy, and exhausting. I loathe Personal Fitness with all that is within me. Homecoming is this evening, in more ways than one. School homecoming, pretty dresses and dancing isnt for me. I'll spend tonight doing better things than that. And homecoming in another way, my Marine is coming home.

If I told you how excited I was, you still wouldnt understand.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lets chat about reunion

Reunion. Coming soon.
Can everyone get pumped about the reunion?
Pretty please?

OK: How good it will be to be reunited with you. Excitement. Hugs and love.

4 days.
See you then.