Genuinely happy. Giddy with smiles. It's funny how one thing, one compliment if you will, can change the look on someones face so drastically that they suddenly overflow with happiness.
Have you made someone smile today? Have you smiled today?
The real me is better than the one you see, who struggles to conform to the pattern, and the normal. The real me has passion for a purpose that was made for me and me alone. The real me will not be perfect in the eyes of those who judge, but will hold tight to the belief that the real me does not have to conform, does not have to fit the standards set, and does not have to work to be who you want me to be, but will only be who I am. Unfortunantly,you do not seeThe Real Me :)
Do you ever feel like everything that you believe in is falling apart? And that maybe, all the people who used to stand so tall seem to be shrinking away?
There used to be The one I could talk to.
The one I could listen to.
The one I laughed with.
The one who was up for anything.
And now where are they? Where am I?
Who am I?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So, you want to know a secret? I just freaked out.
WHAT am I going to DO with my LIFE?
Yes, sure. I have options. I mean, I could be a professional best friend:
Or I could be a construction worker:
The model option is still open:
Im a pretty awesome elephant, if I do say so myself:
But let's get real. If I could, I'd take pictures and listen to music everyday. But that's not very legit.
What is this building doing in the backyard of a church in Jamaica?
Why is it beautiful to me?
It makes me wonder, what happened here? Who was here, why?
Im overwhelmed with questions.
So I go in.
There was one thing here. Just one. A chair. Old, and paint stained, but beautiful.
Did someone sit here? Did they watch the sunset over the mountains that lie just outside the doorway? Or did they stand, and look out the window? You've seen the window...
Did they look out, and wonder what went wrong with their life or did they look out and feel joyful for their family, friends, day?
I just have to wonder...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Oh my junk, I love this girl. Sitting on this roof top, she wasnt loving it. But in my opinion, we still werent close enough to the stars.
I still think we should have jumped off, into the pool, but for your sake, I let us climb back down. Next summer though, prepare for the jump darling :)
For all intents and purposes, a window is an opening. To let in, and to let out. When your window is in good condition, you can see what is happening on either side of the window. But what if your window's broken? All jagged edges and shattered glass? What happens then? Do you let too much out, or keep too much in? Maybe it hurts people to see something that could be a beautiful, funtioning item broken like that...